2025 White Box Prototype Testing (Official Discussion)

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By Allan

  • 96 Replies
  1. I was fortunate enough to be chosen as an early tester for the new iteration of the pro v1 and pro v1x. For reference, I play the 2023 pro v1x and have been a pro v1x user for roughly the last 5-6 years. I’m a pretty consistent player, have a current GHIN of +1.9. My miss with the driver is low on the face, so I’ve appreciated the higher flight profile of the pro v1x, as it helps offset that bad strike. I also get steep on my wedges, so on certain greens, I can really spin it. I often entertain a switch to the pro v1, but truthfully, that ball spins just as much for me, in my opinion……so, maybe need to learn to shallow out my swing! I’ve tried to take more club, dead arm shots, but the spin is always there. That’s a me problem, not the ball.

    Anyway, the results of the new 2025 pro v1x. I played in a scramble tournament this past Friday. I compared it to my 2023 pro v1x on several shots, tee ball, iron shots, wedges, around the greens, putting. In my opinion, it was more similar than different and that’s a good thing. The 2025 version maybe went a hair further, but that was probably more strike related. Off the irons, same higher flight and feel. Wedges, same feel and expected spin. Nice sound off the putter, seemed more muted to me than the 2023 version, but that’s just me. All in all, very similar, but predictable and it performs nicely. Maybe a touch more durable, but time will tell.

    Now, the 2025 pro v1. I’ve predominantly played the pro v1x, but have dabbled with the pro v1 at times. For me, the pro v1 really does launch lower on the driver. The 2025 pro v1, continued that trend. I hit both the 2025 pro v1 and 2025 pro v1x with the driver and both were solid strikes. The 2025 pro v1 launched lower for me. They both ended up in almost the same place, but it was more how they got there. The 2025 v1 ran out more and the 2025 v1x carried further. The ball felt softer than the pro v1x. Similar durability. Off the irons and wedges, softer feel and maybe slightly lower flight. Spin, just as much for me.

    I may give the 2025 pro v1 another look. Loft up my TSR2 driver to standard 10 degree and see how that performs. The bottom line, Titleist is the gold standard in golf balls (could be said with equipment too) and you are playing the best golf ball, regardless of which model you choose. I’ve always thought the differences between the V and the X isn’t large, but for me, the feel and launch are the two that stand out.

    It was an honor to be chosen as a tester. I had no idea this would happen, until I got a package in the mail. I thought it was so cool and really looked forward to testing both. Titleist is the ball I will continue to play, just may switch it up this coming season. We shall see! Great job Titleist with the new versions. You are the standard and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me the chance to try them. I would love the chance to do this again in the future.

    Thank you!!

  2. Played the new ProV1 protoype yesterday (45-50 degrees, wet course in WA state). I was impressed with the distance I was getting off the tee considering the temps, didn't seem like I was that off my summer distances. Ball flight for me was perfect, with medium-medium/high flight with plenty of spin on my approach shots and wedges. My distance control on my putts was great which had a lot to do with the right 'firmness' of this new ProV1 (maybe a touch firmer that the current model?). Overall very happy with the performance and on par with some of the other competitive balls I tend to play (TP5X and Chrome Tour).
  3. Steamin

    Ashburn, VA

    Fortunate to have received a sleeve of the each Black and Red ‘25 Proto’s. I play black and can honestly say I don’t like the new ball. Flight hangs more and is higher on the new ball which is interesting. Driver and irons about the same, but had way less greenside feel and spin with the new black vs the ‘23 black.

    Just ordered 5 dozen more ‘23 black from Titleist direct as a result. Half my order was from BP4 in Thailand and the other BP3 in MA. Odd thing is I received a box that said it was from BP3 on the box but all the sleeves were from BP4. Stickers over the barcodes. Guess BP3 is already retooled for the new ‘25 balls.

    On a separate note, was lucky to have Max Homa flip my son a ball at the PGA @ Valhalla this year. Oddly the black he gave my boy felt different from the ones I had in my bag when we got home. When I got the ‘25 Proto’s it is identical feel so I’m guessing these have been on tour for testing for awhile.
  4. How do I get my hands on the PV1 and PV1X prototypes? I’d love to test them out?
  5. leslie h

    leslie h
    maidenhead, berkshire

    was pleased to be included in the testing of the 2025 prototypes. Loved the ProV1x. Feels great and performance is exceptional. Distance and flight with the driver was spot on and great feel around the greens. Thank you Titleist.
  6. I took a trip to Saint George, UT last week and used the ProV1x prototype. It was everything I’ve come to love from the ball, and perhaps a little more. My home course tends to be soft and not produce a lot of roll so a little difficult to judge distance, but it was long with little spin off the tee. Around the greens it had the typical feel and performed similarly. Where I occasionally struggle with the standard 1x is producing too much spin on full wedge shots and noted no such problem with the prototype. It played more like a left dash than the standard 1x. I’d play it full time.
  7. Johnny Tee

    Johnny Tee
    Mississauga, ON

    Just received a white box containing a dozen new Pro V1x for testing. Too bad our golf courses are now closed for the winter, but I look forward to testing them out in Florida in February! Thanks Titleist, always the best!
  8. Would love a chance to test them!
  9. Would love the opportunity to test the new ProV1 over here in the UK.
  10. Excellent ball
  11. Circle B

    Circle B

    Nothing beats being part of the Team Titleist and the opportunities to try new equipment. As a club fitter/coach, I love sharing this opportunity with a wide range of players. (Pro to -8). This year, we had 6 players and received the following feedback.
    - All 6 agree that the Pv1 is the best feeling ball on the planet - not quite a blade and balata, but close!
    - The Pro, +2.5, and +1 players truly believe these are the straightest versions of the PV1 they have ever tested and would switch from the current model immediately!
    - All 6 players also agreed that while the PV1x had a harder feel, it feels closer to the PV1 now with more “ thud” and less “click”. We all loved it.
    - With respect to ball flight , consistency, spin and speed, PV1 players loved the Proto PV1 and PV1x players lives the Proto PV1x as expected.
  12. Unfortunately, didn't receive a white box (yet?). But , luckily, know some people and got to try the new pellets. As would be expected no giant changes. I am bewildered by some who say the ball is more durable. It is the same, which is very. Both seem to fly a little higher but all in all, never mess with success, or the GOAT.....
  13. Can anyone tell me what ball the 25Prototype Ball became? Was it the V1 or V1X?
  14. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Chip K said:

    Can anyone tell me what ball the 25Prototype Ball became? Was it the V1 or V1X?

    Both. There was a 25Prototype with red numbers and one with black numbers. The red was the ProV1x and the black was the ProV1, just like on the production balls.
  15. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Red number - X, black number - V for anything after July. Not exactly prototypes by then. Production is in full swing now for release in January.
  16. Circle B

    Circle B

    2025 PV1/PV1x = Red numbers are PV1x and Black numbers are PV1
  17. I have always played the ProV1 ball, so my opinion may be biased. I love the new prototype ball. Playing Munis in Southern California it can be tough on golf balls. However, I noticed that the prototype appear to be more durable than the current ball, more responsive on short game shots and putting. On drives and approaches I did not see much of a difference.
    Thank you for including me on this trial.
  18. Jim C

    Jim C
    Duxbury, MA

    I found the new X prototype to have a softer feel, better control in windy conditions and enhanced spin.

    As for the PV 1 prototype, similar to the existing model.
  19. Definitely difference in the 25 prototype, durable , distance with accuracy, better control
  20. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I took the 25Proto to Bandon Dunes. 109 holes of golf in 5 days. Pushed one too far right on Hole 6 Sheep Ranch over the cliff and one bad snap hook 3 wood on Trails. Only two lost balls all week. Love the way they perform and looking forward to the production balls in 2025.
  21. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Although not on the the box distribution list myself this year, I found one of each on the fringe of my club’s practice area. Thanks somebody!.
    Black number appeared to be closest to my current PROV. Played them exclusively with irons over a week. Love 3 iron performance in the wind. Direct, cross wind performances, no matter, were predictable. Definitely love that. Drop angle on green approaches seemed great much like current version.
    Sorry, tried to get some spin/ distance numbers using my SC200 monitor…but that didn’t go too well.

    Excited about the new release but have 3 or 4 boxes of the old I need to cycle though first.

  22. Hack2er

    Endicott, NY

    Looking forward to see how the New ProV1x is going to react with my GT2 driver and GT2 fairway woods. I have been playing the ProV1 left dash and want to compare it to the new ProV1x for 2025. Each new version, the cover is getting better and better. Looking forward to hitting the new 2025 ProV1x.
  23. I recive my first White box ball this Year i was so happy to dicover it in m’y mail box.
    I was impressed by the straight trajectory or the New model of ProV1.
    I felt the contact a bit firm on my first impression but no issue with that on the course.
    With the driver it’s amazing straight long and not too high.
    It stop verry quickly on the Green with wedges.
    Same good feeling with my putter.
    Regarding the consistency it seem’s to be better than ever and I love it.
    The feeling at the exit of club face is very good.

    I usually play in the Middle East but the distance stay very good even in the cold French winter weather.
    I’m really happy did the test
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