Team Titleist Irish Challenge

Follow Thread

By Will - Team Titleist UK

  • 17 Replies
  1. Team Titleist! 

    We’ve teamed up with the Challenge Tour to offer you and two golfing partners the chance to play in the Irish Challenge Pro-am this July.

    Simply sign up to Team Titleist for your chance to play in the Irish Challenge Pro-Am at The K Club, Straffan, Co. Kildare on Wednesday July 31st 2024*

    **Closing date is the July 2nd.**

    Post Image

  2. Paul M

    Paul M
    Northumberland, England

    This would be an amazing opportunity!
  3. Tom  C

    Tom C
    Romford, 0

    great opportunity!
  4. JPR Williams

    JPR Williams

    This is an awesome prize! However I cant find anywhere to sign up?
  5. Simon Whittaker

    Simon Whittaker

    what a fantastic opportunity !!!!!
  6. Daniel P

    Daniel P
    South wales

    This would be amazing!
  7. Marzy


    I’ve entered! Fingers crossed
  8. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith
    South East

    Sounds like an amazing opportunity for some lucky people
  9. Great opportunity
  10. Played it a couple of times. Great course
  11. Paul Y

    Paul Y

    Thanks TT & Will ... excellent once in a lifetime opportunity, entered and everything crossed ;-)
  12. Gordon M

    Gordon M
    Lisburn, Antrim

    Great venue!! One of the best!
  13. Declan R

    Declan R
    Wexford Rep Of Ireland

    Wow super prize....Fingers Crossed #teamtitleist
  14. Declan F

    Declan F
    Wexford, Ireland

    A super prize, would love to play in this. Best of luck to all that entered.
  15. Gordon M

    Gordon M
    Lisburn, Antrim

    Has Team Titleist done the draw for this one yet?
  16. loving these proam prizes!
  17. Gordon M

    Gordon M
    Lisburn, Antrim

    Good luck tomorrow to the lucky team
  18. Declan F

    Declan F
    Wexford, Ireland

    Congrats to whoever got to play this.

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