Afternoon TT'ers
So, this weekend summed up how that sometimes it's more than just about scores.
-2* as we teed off, but did not care, it was just good to be out with your pals, the banter, the conversations and the hysterics when the ball done very strange things.
Score was totally irrelevant, in fact probable shot my worst score in years, but we knew it was nearly impossible to score well, and we all accepted it. the course was near unplayable, but so what. We were out there.
It's at moments like this you realise that this sport is so good for the soul, and maybe we should take lessons from this round and enjoy golf a little more.
I'm never going to be playing this game to pay my mortgage, but the more I play it the more i fall in love with it.
20 years of playing now and can't wait for the next 20.
Enjoy your rounds ladies and gentlemen, and for those of you lucky enough to be playing or coaching this game as a career, or occupation, maybe there is a little bit of jealously inside, but also a lot of admiration.
Roll on many more rounds to come.