Has the 16th at the Waste Management run its course?

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By Golf Ball Wacker Guy

  • 23 Replies
  1. I don't know if it's just me. Years ago I loved the 16th hole with the crowd and the excitement. The caddie races are now gone and it's now just a frat party (no longer golf fans partying) I think it's not nearly as fun as it was in the past. Maybe I am an old man now (stay off my lawn!)

  2. GStuart

    Blackfoot, ID

    I stand with you! I went last year and it was an absolute mess. I’m sad for true golf fans that have to wade through long lines, massive crowds and drunks acting stupid and ruining the experience. I grew up in Phoenix and used to attend every year. I was on the 16th green in 1997 when Tiger aced it, it was just a set of bleachers on the back side of the green, it was awesome. Now people have to come in costume, drink excessive amounts of alcohol and attempt to get 15 mins of fame by acting stupid. What a shame.
  3. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    The only good thing about it is when they do Friday with Smiley from there.
  4. I don't think so. But the coverage on TV may have run its course. Still awesome to be there and attend.
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    My personal option but I don't see it as a unique issue with the Phoenix Open. I have been disillusioned with pro sports in general for a while now. Whether it is football, basketball, and even baseball, pro sports players and fans have all gotten out of hand. You cannot go to any pro sporting event and just sit and enjoy as a fan. Extreme cursing, drunken behavior, and disregard to other people is everywhere. Ticket prices way too high to cover unbelievable player salaries. Players that have become unapproachable prima-donna's that you don't want as role models. Sadly we now see this in professional golf. The formation of side tours to fill player's bank accounts even if it dilutes the main tour product. Turning "The Clambake" into a small field signature event at Pebble that cut out the majority of celebrity participants, events that call themselves "Opens" but have very few if any outside qualifying participants. Like you, I miss a lot about the "good old days" but change is inevitable so I am trying to go with the flow.
  6. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Dale - straying off message with you. I have friends in SD that are casual followers of golf. One is an immigrant from Ireland. Loyal to Rory. But with weekend tickets to walk starting over a Benjamin, won’t be going.
    JT recently said they should open up more. I’ve never seen the men lined up like LPGA stars like Lexi and others. 12 years ago I wanted an autographed cap for an early TT event. I was steered to the business manager for that pro and it would not be done for free.
    I will be missing NFL games if only available on a streaming channel that I don’t have already.
    So, yes, my best pro events are the local semiprofessional baseball team with $3 hot dogs or brats.
  7. Military
    I agree , I think its become a drunken #$%tshow, more of the see me now crowd. It is probably because I am old and was taught not to embarrass myself or my family

  8. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    The hole venue was unique when it was "the only game in town." Now, the energy (some may say noise) is duplicated at other tournaments and a whole golf tour was put together mimicking aspects of that hole.
  9. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The AmFam tournament in Madison had a par 3 on 17. The sponsor for the stands is a local craft brewer. Much the same as WM 16. The security on course never volunteer for that hole.
    The tournament moves to TPC Wisconsin this year. I’m curious if there be a renewal as 17 is also a par 3 but without the forced carry to trigger the boos.
  10. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    It's like a lot of other things. It started out fun, then went overboard. Now it's almost boring.
  11. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I think so, my caddy buddy says it's worse than 17 at TPC, probably scared of getting hit in the head by a bottle or something. Golf is NOT the gentleman's game anymore, protocols and etiquette are almost gone as well. Mix alcohol with yuppies or red necks, that's what you get....
  12. richbow9


    Never liked it, all that throwing beer cans on the green and stuff
  13. No way, one of the best holes in golf. I have luckily played TPC Scottsdale. And without the stands that hole is just a short par 3. With the stands it’s unbelievable entertainment. One of the only PGA tour events I dream to go to. Does that hole not resemble what LIV golf is about?
  14. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    It is packing in more fans on that hole than ever. It is an intimating hole. We, TT members played it at our TTI in 2023 with the DJ blaring music. It is unique and draws a lot of fans and raises a lot of money for their local charity. Other than being loud I say let them play until it interferes with play, and I am old also, 78. I see golf fans wearing crazy outfits, having fun and enjoying that one little happy place where the other 17 holes are normal. The 16th hole capacity is "20,000-plus" fans, according to tournament officials, or a just above 6 percent of the expected Saturday crowd at the tournament. While attendance is lower during the other tournament days, the 20,000 figure still represents about 10 percent of the average daily crowd at the Phoenix Open. I think it is here to stay for many more years and they will work to keep it entertaining. Like the coliseum in Rome, this coliseum will survive also.
  15. NO!!! Once a year. Would love to have that opportunity in that atmosphere
  16. Scott D

    Scott D

    Golf Ball Wacker Guy thank you for the Sunday chuckle. I have to agree with you. The 16th has run its course. Yes, I will stay off your lawn.
  17. Anthony D

    Anthony D

    Honestly, as much as I think golf needs some events which operate differently. Don't enjoy this event at all really, maybe the last few years they have overdone it.
  18. As a long time golfer and fan, I feel that this event and particularly this hole is a great addition to the tour and American golf. I respect and enjoy the traditional events also it’s just nice to see a different perspective.
  19. Interesting comments....I would have to say there might be some validity to what you are saying...I still like the concept and I still enjoy myself when in one of the suites. I did the general seating a couple years in a row and actually had a blast, maybe more fun than the suites themselves.

    It might be the greatest hole in golf! IMHO

  20. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Its 4 days a year. It does not matter to me who is at that hole watching the golf having a beverage any more or less than it does to me who is watching them hit shots on 17 at Sawgrass. The players like it, so who cares.
  21. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Hard to say. I am well into my curmudgeon phase (at least according to my (much) better half) but I thought this year it was fairly well-handled and controlled. I agree that last year was a bit of a gong-show but I enjoyed the coverage from this year quite a lot.

    Having been fortunate enough to get to the TTI event a couple of years ago where the stadium was mostly up, it was a bucket list experience to be "announced" to the tee. I would still love to attend during WM - I hope they keep it going.
  22. Cris M

    Cris M
    Tyrone, GA

    The 16th doesn't bother me as much as what people think is acceptable at the Ryder Cup these days. I personally think the Tour has bigger issues to address. What I will say is let this atmosphere stay unique to the WM; I would prefer to not see this spread to other Tour events.
  23. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Its too big to get rid of it now! The drunks are taking it over and its a hazard to fans..!
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