Now Streaming: When Every Shot Counts - Wyndham Clark’s Crucial Saves at the US Open

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 9 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Hey Team Titleist, we're super excited for the launch of our latest Titleist Original - When Every Shot Counts | Wyndham Clark’s Crucial Saves at the US Open.

    Watch now to see Wyndham Clark walk through the ups and downs of winning his first major at the 2023 U.S. Open.

  2. jsh_golf


    Can't wait!
  3. samuel g

    samuel g
    berkeley, CA

    Mister Cool under pressure.
  4. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Looking forward to watching this video.
  5. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    Good stuff
  6. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    So cool to listen to what Wyndham was thinking on certain shots during the final round. Normally don't get to see this type of thinking. GREAT VIDEO!!
  7. Chris P

    Chris P
    Katy, TX

    One of the best yet. It was great listening to Wyndham relive some of the best and most important shots of that final round....Well Done Team Titleist!
  8. Dino S

    Dino S

    Such a great video! Loved the synergy he had with the wedges to play the shots he wanted in each situation.
  9. Can’t wait
  10. Joseph R

    Joseph R
    Pacific North West

    This is probably in my top 5 videos from Titleist. Hearing the first person's narration taking us back to each moment is fantastic insight. Being in Wyndham's mind from the moment he woke up and through each up and down experience is definitely a first. I love this video. Although he is an elite golfer and we are mere mortals, I think there are so many takeaways from this that could help all of our games. Thanks Wyndham and Titleist!

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