Tournament behaviour

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  • 10 Replies
  1. JPHB

    Brooklyn, NY

    Hi Fellow TT Members - when attending tending tournaments or watching golf on TV, it is really disturbing and disruptive to be subjected to all the senseless yelling from the gallery. I can't imagine how annoying it must be to the players to have dozens of people yelling "get in the hole" and other ridiculous comments every time they're in their follow through. This isn't football, baseball or hockey, so, sure, show your support, but with a golf-appropriate applause, not belligerent bellowing!

    Let's bring back class, dignity and decorum at tournaments.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I think most all TT members here will agree. The message may be wasted on us but now with legalized golf gambling, there needs to be stronger messaging and control at tournaments.
  3. Joshua B

    Joshua B

    I’d agree, and save it for Ryder Cups and Scottsdale. Make it the exception the rule and then it may be fun.
  4. TDial

    Weldon Spring, MO

    People anymore want their 60 seconds of fame and be able to say “that was me” when they rewatch the broadcast. It doesn’t make sense to me, but I haven’t ever attended a PGA Major, so I can’t speak first hand on how I’d feel in that environment/moment, but doubtful I’d be cheating nonsense after a ball strike.
    I’d save it for the hole-in-one or big thing.
  5. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Agreed. Alcohol fogs the brain.
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Having worked many PGA events, it is every difficult to control the crowd late in the afternoons when alcohol is involved. Good judgement goes completely out the window. Some of the statements coming out the mouths of folks in the crown make absolutely no sense. Marshals holding up QUIET please signs does not good at all, particularly if they are not facing the crowd, instead of watching golf. Yeah I worked as Marshals Chair and it was job to get everyone properly trained and not be watching the match instead of watching the crowd. We always told them in training that the golfers do not need to be told to be quiet. So of a funny on going joke. Had to make it funny sometimes to get them to do it right. Crowd is tough when you are using volunteers, and bad behavior can be attributed to way too much alcohol. The fifteen seconds of fame is not the real issue here. Believe me, at some of the events, security not in uniform, will escort them out. Most people never read the back of their ticket.
    Surprise. My two cents worth. =)
  7. Tony G

    Tony G
    Louisville, KY

    I've worked on medical teams for several PGA, Senior PGA and a Ryder Cup and it amazes me the behaviour of the crowd. People come out for a party instead of watching the action on the course.
    Now there are a few fans that are golfers that know how to behave and how to prepare for a long day at the course, the rest come out without proper shoes, sun protection, don't stay hydrated, and don't eat something. The funniest is women who show up wearing spiked heels wanting to walk the hilly terrain who have blisters the size of Texas all over their heels and feet.
    Alcohol is the main culprit and I don't know what you can do to control that.
  8. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    It's sad but society has changed into "it's all about me" attitude.
  9. JYoung


    I go to the Memorial Tournament and I am always surprised the amount of people there that don't even know there is a golf tournament going on. Like Tony said above. It's funny to watch the women who are dressed to go out to a nightclub trying to walk around in 3 inch heals. Muirfield Village is hilly in places. Seen many fall down with their little dresses up over their heads. Guess dressing like that has worked for some of them. It's where Jim Furyk and Jason Day found their wives I've heard. Haha.
  10. Rob H

    Rob H

    Totally agree, it’s very annoying, but sadly a regular occurrence these days at tournaments everywhere. I am not sure how it can be stopped.
  11. thanks for info

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