With two weeks left till the Delta big bird departs Charleston and heads to Atlanta, where everyone goes if you are traveling thru the south, and you pray that your flight is on time. Final destination, Phoenix, three wonderful nights of rest and relaxation and two wonderful days at the TPC @ Scottsdale. Am really looking forward to seeing everyone. Going over my checklist to ensure that I do not forget anything.
1. Went to pain management clinic this am for a lidocaine epidural injection and setting here logging in my pain levels for 8 hours. Also received my second epidural steriod injection that should kick in within the next two weeks. Priorities.
2. The last of my new clubs should be in today. The TSR1f 18* (bent to a 17*) to go with the new TSR1h 20*, 23* and the T350s 6-48w which are already in my new black Cart 14 bag. Not a lot of game time with them, so hoping for the best. As one of my buddies will say kiddingly, do not spit in the wind, pull on superman's cape or stand to the right of Chuck. I do have my moments. The pain meds should help that, along with the lesson and the physical therapy. Hoping for a great time with a bunch of great guys/gals (Northern California, because it is a big state).
3. Packing for whatever Dale's weather has to offer. So far it looks pretty good. As he said, shorts and long pants. FJ of course. New outfits ready and hanging. We have been called out of town to Memphis due to wife's mother's illness, so driving 710 miles, Sunday on the southern fastest route and will be back by myself on Friday/Saturday by way of Knoxville. Have family in K-town. Have to be ready now, due to this situation. Hope to hit driving range while there.
4. Packed a couple of swags for a couple of team members as promised. Pass it on to Ron T and Guy W.
5. Called my friend at our local weather station and asked him for good weather while we are there. He said no hurricanes this year. What we have to look forward. =)