Happy New Year! - 2023 Goals

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  • 14 Replies


    Happy New Year TT fam

    What are some of your goals for the upcoming year?

    For myself, I'm currently a 9 handicap and I want to improve to be a 5. Since I'm from the great white north, I'm dedicating more time to practicing in the winter and working out/improving biomechanics in the offseason.

    Wishing you all the best in 2023, here's to a great year ahead!



  2. Hi Michael,
    I am a 9 also and would like to get back to lower single digits. More dedicated practice on short game and putting for me should do the trick. Located in NY, so I also am working out to make sure I start the season in shape when the time comes. Best of luck on getting to the 5.
  3. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    At the end of 2020, my league scoring average was 75.7. My quota average was 32. I was playing to a solid 4 handicap.Fast forward to 2022.My scoring average jumped to 80.6 and my quota average to 27.A miserable year, scoring wise. I'm not sure why the rapid decline.

    I'm going to try and find that level of consistent scoring I once had by trying to eliminate doubles, 3 putts and better course management.

    Oh and another thing;I'll be 67 next season, so the time clock is moving in the wrong direction......
  4. J.C.


    Definitely want to work on being more discipline during my rounds of golf. I am a 7 HC but feel my discipline with seeing shots, picking target areas and pre shot routines is high hole 1-8 then 9-13 is where the mistakes are made to which I then get mad and finish off the rounds strong again.
  5. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    I want to show more consistency around the greens. With my work scheduled, I'm not always able to make a round a week, and those weeks off show up around and on the greens. So, that's my goal for 2023... oh and to shoot a new low personal record lol.
  6. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Happy new year all!!
    I hope you all have the best season ever!!

    Fingers crossed this season I can stay injury free, practice more, play more and hopefully the handicap will tumble back to single figures ️‍♂️
  7. Gwood

    Santa Barbara

    I’ve been hovering at a 7 the last few years. Lowest ever was a 4. My goal is split the difference this year. I’ll Lake anything below a 7. I think it’s all about putting for me this year. I don’t have time to practice or at least I do t make the time. Putting practice is way more attainable and I’ve realized that is where I’m bleeding out.
  8. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    My goal is to get my daughter out and play more.
    Starting when she was 5 years old and up through high school, she has accompanied me when playing and would hit a few shots and putt now and then (in the early years her biggest thrill on the course was driving the cart). Last year she turned 30 and suddenly has an interest in the complete game. Finally got to play 3 or 4 rounds with her, and they were the most enjoyable rounds in a long time for me. She is a real stickler on keeping proper score and trying to improve each hole, and for that I am really proud of her. This Christmas when asked what she wanted or needed, her immediate response was "golf stuff" and lessons.
    Looking forward to a great new year.


    Barry M said:

    My goal is to get my daughter out and play more.
    Starting when she was 5 years old and up through high school, she has accompanied me when playing and would hit a few shots and putt now and then (in the early years her biggest thrill on the course was driving the cart). Last year she turned 30 and suddenly has an interest in the complete game. Finally got to play 3 or 4 rounds with her, and they were the most enjoyable rounds in a long time for me. She is a real stickler on keeping proper score and trying to improve each hole, and for that I am really proud of her. This Christmas when asked what she wanted or needed, her immediate response was "golf stuff" and lessons.
    Looking forward to a great new year.

    That's an awesome goal, Barry. Not a lot of us are fortunate to have that wonderful relationship - all the best to you in 2023!
  10. Jim C

    Jim C
    Duxbury, MA

    After dealing with stomach issues for five months, I was just recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Over the past year I've lost 25 lbs (from 180 down to 155) and it has wreaked havoc on my game, primarily a loss of distance.

    The good news is I feel much better now (and relieved that I finally have a diagnosis) and look forward to getting my game back in order.

    Of course I have to refresh my wardrobe, never thought I would be shopping for size 32 pants and shorts!
  11. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    1. Get healthy.
    2. Return to playing golf.
    3. Make some new friends.
    4. Continue to have fun and not take golf or life so seriously.
    5. Do some traveling.
    6. Keep this list simple.

    Hakuna matata. =)
  12. Craig D

    Craig D
    Canton, OH

    My primary goal for 2023 is to return to walking while playing after 2 years of not being able to do that because of my hip, not to mention the limitations on my swing. Since I had my hip replaced a few weeks ago and am progressing well through PT, that would be the best goal to accomplish this year.
  13. Todd E

    Todd E
    Union, KY

    Mike, there seems to be a lot of us in that 9 area. Same here. I just went thru this morning and wrote down my goals


    Todd E said:

    Mike, there seems to be a lot of us in that 9 area. Same here. I just went thru this morning and wrote down my goals

    I noticed that as well! Seems like there’s a lot of sticks on #TeamTitleist
  15. JBunting

    Zanesville, Ohio

    I finished my league with a 4hdcp this year and played about 60 rounds.

    2023 goals: finish league with a 2 hdcp and play at least 100 rounds. I would also like to play at least 5 new courses this year.

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