Quick Poll: #1 Golf Goal for the Season

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 28 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    We saw some great replies to our post the other day and it looks like a lot of people have a milestone score as a goal for the season. So, we wanted to hear from all of you in our latest quick poll. Cast your vote below and feel free to add a comment if you have a different goal you're looking to tackle this season.

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    An incremental goal of 95-85-75-Par can be as rewarding as the ought goals. In my case, 85 is more likely than 80 from where I play.
  3. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Voted for breaking 90 because that will be the result if I can just stop making unforced errors. Need to stop letting bad holes get to me.
  4. Military
    Want to get my handicap into single digits

    Semper fi
  5. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I'd like to get more consistent with shooting in the 70's. My inconsistency issues are related to my approach shots and that's were a bulk of my focus has been this season.
  6. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    I would like to break par more often this year. My goal would be to get my handicap into the plus range.
  7. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Love to be more consistent in my ball striking. Especially with my irons. Am currently working with a teaching PGA pro at our course and he seems to know my game better than me. It does help.
  8. Fix the approach game wedge game is ugly right now.
  9. Ryan P

    Ryan P
    Erie, PA

    I'm sort of stuck in the middle - not a feat to break 80 - but don't feel like I'm anywhere near breaking 70. With my kid's sport and theater schedules, don't see enough time for practice/golf but who knows :-)
  10. Ryan P said:

    I'm sort of stuck in the middle - not a feat to break 80 - but don't feel like I'm anywhere near breaking 70. With my kid's sport and theater schedules, don't see enough time for practice/golf but who knows :-)

    Just trying to keep up with the kids
  11. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I've broken 70 a few times, but not recently. I'll be 66 in a month, so shooting my age, although probably a stretch, would be pretty cool.
  12. Would love to be shoot 73-75 consistently. Right now I’m shooting 82-75. Waiting for new irons.
  13. Justin S.

    Justin S.
    Spearville, KS

    I'd like to start by playing more golf! Then... it's time to break 70!
  14. Improving my short game… pitching, chipping, and putting. That should get me in a place to break 80 consistently!
  15. My goal is to Get into single digit handicap before I die I am 71. I better hurry up”!!

    Linda Jane
  16. Ramon K

    Ramon K
    Fort Myers, FL


    Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    We saw some great replies to our post the other day and it looks like a lot of people have a milestone score as a goal for the season. So, we wanted to hear from all of you in our latest quick poll. Cast your vote below and feel free to add a comment if you have a different goal you're looking to tackle this season.

    Make more birdies. Getting over the jump for me is just capitalizing more on birdie opportunities. I save par if I need to often enough, and miss birdies way too often (focus too much on where to miss in order to guarantee an easy par). It's golf!
  17. And lower handicap to single digit.
  18. My goal this season is to encourage more juniors to learn to golf and mentor those that are wanting to better their game. I love seeing the smile on their faces when I help them find the aha moment.
  19. Dr. Tom L

    Dr. Tom L
    Tucson, AZ

    no rounds greater than 79
  20. Philip M

    Philip M
    East Freetown, MA

    I voted break 80 because I would like to get back to doing so consistently without much stress. I'm just getting back into the game after about 10 years of playing less than 5 times per year and I have no consistency. I could shoot anywhere from 75 to 95 tomorrow. Hopefully, I will feel good enough about my game to make breaking 70 again a goal for 2023.
  21. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    Battling a pinched nerve in the left shoulder, so scores have soared. Mainly psychological being afraid to impact the turf. In decades of playing, I've broken par plenty, BUT,......NEVER hit the magic 69. Hopefully getting the shoulder back and swing back, I can give it more tries, before it would be shooting my age to hit it
  22. Chuck R

    Chuck R
    Littleton, CO

    I break 80 pretty consistently but now aim for even Par (72) on my course or better!!!
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