Another Reminder

Follow Thread

By Steve S

  • 14 Replies
  1. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    I've posted this before, but as I sit here healing up from yet another surgery I'll remind y'all again. It's almost spring, warm weather is coming, so don't forget your Sunscreen!! Golf is still crazy here at the Jersey Shore. We've only been closed a few times all winter, busier than ever, and here I sit. Couple hundred stiches in my chin and neck. It was melanoma, but they were able to get it all. Thank God. I really don't want any of my TT family to go through this. Take the time and apply the Sunscreen!! Thanks folks!! Play Well, Steve S

  2. Deno

    New Jersey

    Hope you get back to action soon Steve. Health is more impotant than golf for sure.

  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Go see my Dermatologist every year and always wear those Titleist Aussie hats in the hot months down here in the south. Says the only thing she see are aging spots. Have been getting a clean bill of health every year. Consider myself blessed at the ripe old age of 74+ and play three days a week. Have been out in the hot sun most of my life.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery and that they got all of it.....thanks for reminding everyone......
  4. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    Thanks for the kind words Deno. And so glad you received a clean bill of health Chuck Z. Growing up here at the South end of Ocean Co. at the shore, we were out in the sun all day, every day. Either claiming, fishing, surfing or whatever else. And I'm sure working outside st the golf course for the last 25 years didn't help either. I have some more spots to come off but they're not melanoma. Jus want everyone in our TT family to be prepared for the sun. Thanks guys@
    Play Well
    Steve S.
  5. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Always use it b4 I get dressed. Good post.
  6. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Best of luck Steve. Glad they got it all. Here's hoping you heal well and stay well. You'll be back on the golf course soon.
  7. Well stated, thanks for the reminder. As I get older I always carry sunscreen and ensure I hit the ears neck and arms when golfing. Heal fast and play well this season!
  8. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Skin cancer runs in my fair-skinned Irish family. Excellent advice for all!
  9. Mitch B

    Mitch B
    Huntsville, Alabama

    Good luck to you Steve. Glad to hear all went well.
  10. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Steve wishing you a quick recovery. It is good to hear that the doctors got all of it.

    Good for you Chuck with the clean bill of health.
  11. Rick D

    Rick D
    Weston, WI

    Glad to hear you're on the mend, Steve and good luck in the future. Melanoma is scary as hell! I'm waiting for the schedule of my third annual dermatology visit. The first I had two basal cell cancers removed. One by MOHS surgery that carved up my nose pretty good and a second scrape on my back. Last year another small scrape on my back. I'm looking at another small spot on my face this year and hope it's not another one.

    The damage was done starting as a kid. I've always been an outdoors guy. Mom would kick us out of the house with a "Get outside and play!". We played kick the can, pickup baseball games, basketball in the neighbors driveway, hunted and fished, rode our bikes all over the place, and got a lot of sunburn along the way.
  12. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    I also see a dermatologist once a year and he always remarks that he is jealous of my skin condition for the amount of time that I spend in the sun. I worked outside all my life, now play golf 3 days a week and hit balls in between, but I still load up on the sunscreen. Steve, thank God that things went well for you and get well soon. For my fellow TT members out there, I have 3 words of advice regarding this subject. SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN AND SUNSCREEN.
  13. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Good advice, Steve. Best wishes for a rapid, complete recovery.
  14. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Get well,, All else is minor!
  15. Fred L

    Fred L

    Hope for speedy recovery. I too go to a Dermatologist annually. Also keep the sunscreen handy and wear hats.. Good Luck

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