AP2 714. Fitted with NSPro105T R-Flex with +1/4" over Standard Length

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  1. Dear Person in Charge,

    I had been fitted with AP2 714 Irons, using NSPro105T R-Flex, with additional +1/4" over standard length and at Standard Lie.

    My choice of grip is GolfPride NewDecade M.Compound, built to M580.

    With the above custom fitting being done, I would like to find out;
    1) the final length of my 5Irons, all the way thru PWedge

    2) the final lie from 5Irons to PW

    3) the swing weight

    4) do you have the detail specs for NSPro105T R-Flex


  2. Shaun M

    Shaun M
    Singapore, 0

    Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Dan

    Thanks for your questions. Please find answers below and let me know if you have any further questions we can help you with.

    1) 5i=38.25", 6i=37.75", 7i=38.25", 8i=36.75", 9i=36.25" & P=36" (all measurements are +1/4")

    2) 5i=62°, 6i=62.5°, 7i=63°, 8i=63.5°, 9i=64° & P=64° (all measurements are standard lie)

    3)The swing weight would be D1

    4)The NS Pro105T Regular shaft is 110grams, 2.4° torque and has a mid/high flight

    Please let me know if we can help you further.



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