CIMB Classic

Follow Thread

By Tom H Team Titleist SEA Manager

  • 8 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    To all our members in Malaysia, is anyone planning on heading down to the CIMB Classic this week? Its a great field, with a lot of of Titleist brand ambassadors from the US making the trip across as well as many of our favorite local Asian Tour players. Let us know if you're planning on heading down and who your favorites are to win the event this year.


    Tom H
    Team Titleist South East Asia Manager

  2. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    for sure will be there!

    still have not received the final list of players.

    i see Luke, Noh & Rory's name are not there. if they are then....

    i hope Luke Donald will win.

    and i'm sure Ben Crane, Brendan Steele, Noh SY and Rory McIlroy will put up a good show too!

  3. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    for sure.

    i'm all for ben crane since Luke, Rory & Noh is not there...

  4. Team Titleist Staff

    Thanks Edwin, I hope you enjoy it.

    Unfortunately neither Donald, McIlroy or Noh will be playing this week. However, if you're a Ben Crane fan, be sure to keep your eyes peeled to Team Titleist over the next few days. We managed to catch up with him at the range today and will be releasing a video shortly.


    Enjoy the tournament.



  5. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    hey Tom,

    that's great.

    in fact i was at Mines watching Ben, Jason & Brendan practicing at the range this morning.

    and i even volunteered myself for the CIMB Classic for this 4 days event.

    but i couldn't find any team titleist today. where and how can i find team titleist?



  6. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Edwin,


    Great to hear you are volunteering this week. I was down there yesterday and Tuesday, but am back in Singapore now. Its a shame we didn't get to catch up. We'll have to next time.

    Enjoy the tournament, and feel free to post about your experiances as a volunteer at a big event. I'm sure there are lots of Team Titleist members who would love to hear what its like. Cheers.


  7. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    Hey Tom,

    sure. we must catch up the next round.

    the event is quite awesome i must say when players were forced to tee-off & putt in the short-lived heavy rain!

    the first day was quite quiet, i bet the crowd will start pouring in the following days.

  8. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    Jeff Overton fired 62 with -9 on day 2!

    local hero Danny Chia played a sounding 65.


  9. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    it's final. Bo Van Pelt is USD1.3million richer!

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