U505 club length

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By Michael L

  • 1 Reply
  1. Michael L

    Michael L
    Brough, 0


    I have been looking at purchasing a 2-iron for off the tee as the course I play is not the longest off the tee and hitting driver slight off center can get you a lot of trouble.

    I already have Titleist clubs (AP2 from many moons ago), they were fitted and as I am 6'5" they are a little upright (1 deg I think) and a bit longer (1.25 inch I think).

    Now I went to a test the U505 - 2-iron (18 deg) but the fitter (not Titleist) didn't say anything about length, is this something I should be considering for this club? is it even something that is possible for this club?

    I was able to hit the club fairly well (within my limits), it was going 210-230 when I hit it pure which is where I need it to go, but it was going out to the right (but that could be my swing), I am OK with it going out right as the dispersion was not massive (like it is with my Driver)

    Your guidance would be appreciated as it is not cheap and I would rather get the right thing.

    Many Thanks

  2. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    I'm tall as well 6'4" and allso play 718 AP2s which are +1 and 2* up. I have the 505 3i and love it. 220 off the tee but is easy to dial down. I did not customize it so it is a stock club. Took me a just a bit to dial in its capabilities but for me and what I needed to fill a gap it's been a winner.

    We also have several holes at our club where driver or 3w are just opening up unwanted trouble so hitting the iron keeps me in the fairway more often and not far enough to get in other trouble.

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