718 AP1 vs 716 AP2

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By JCimino

  • 3 Replies
  1. I’ve been playing the 718 AP1s for about 2 years. Didn’t get fit, came across a great price on them and never looked back. I have the chance to get a set of 716 AP2s also for a really good price. Is there going to be a noticeable difference between these two? I know the AP1 is more of a game improvement while the AP2 was the player iron model. I’m a around a 12 handicap and I’m pretty consistent with my iron striking

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Yes, they are significantly different. It does not mean you will have problems with the AP2 but it may take a while to adjust. Know that shafts could also be different and will perform differently. Always best to be professionally fit but if you are in the used club market, resale is not a problem if it does not work out for you.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    If you can see a small wear pattern on the AP1, you should enjoy the AP2. The feel will be different with a forges head. Other than the forged head, there won’t be much difference moving from an 8 year old design to a 10 year design.
    You might find more of a change with a 2021 T200 or T100S. If you play more than 30 rounds a year, this might be a better investment. The current 2023 version will be replaced later with a 2025 version.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    The 716s are eight year old technology and are forged. The 718s are six year old technology and are cast. Most go from a forged to a cast improvement iron. It is all about choices. Consistency is what we are aiming for in our game as well as accuracy. If it ain't broke?

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