
Follow Thread

By AYip

  • 2 Replies
  1. AYip


    My buddy just did a fitting yesterday and tried all the brands... Rogue Max, Stealth, G425, Cobra...etc. He came away a bit surprised that the winner was the TSi2. Same thing with fairway woods, went through them all and winner again was TSi2! Ball really exploded off the face and a nice draw! Fitter gave him a heavier weight which made a world of difference, eliminated his miss. Great clubs! Cannot wait for the TSR to come out when it is time for my fitting!

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Different strokes for different folks. Every swing is different, and ultimately it's a personal choice. I have never been able to find a Titleist driver that suits my eye, but others really like them. To each their own.
  3. AYip


    You are absolutely right! That is why we do the fitting, numbers don't lie!

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