Indoor Practice

Follow Thread

By Darius V

  • 27 Replies
  1. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    I agree that snow here in Barrie is pretty intense so far. With lots more expected over the next week it’s making move faster on my simulator build.

    Just recently took possession of my new house and I’ve been working away on prepping my garage for my simulator. I didn’t realize what’s involved in getting this all together. So many choices to make so it’ll be trial and error as I go. Luckily I have my sim size at 10ft wide x 20ft long and 9ft high. I tried out all my clubs and I have full swing capabilities. Sim software seems to be 10-12 weeks out (SkyTrak) so Optishot will be my only option to start. Will keep you all posted as my build progresses.

    Darius I like your set up. It’s always good to get some swinging in over the winter. Great way to up your chipping game with some fun games. Spring will be here before we know it
  2. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    This spring when COVID hit & we were not sure of whether courses would open (and if so when) we pulled the trigger on the golf sim we had been pondering for the past few years. Really happy the way it has turned out. Just need to find some more TT Swag to spice up the space a bit. Will miss the winter golf trip this year (as we did last year as well) but this will help a lot!]
  3. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Jason R said:

    This spring when COVID hit & we were not sure of whether courses would open (and if so when) we pulled the trigger on the golf sim we had been pondering for the past few years. Really happy the way it has turned out. Just need to find some more TT Swag to spice up the space a bit. Will miss the winter golf trip this year (as we did last year as well) but this will help a lot!]

    And the picture this time.....
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  4. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    Jason R said:

    This spring when COVID hit & we were not sure of whether courses would open (and if so when) we pulled the trigger on the golf sim we had been pondering for the past few years. Really happy the way it has turned out. Just need to find some more TT Swag to spice up the space a bit. Will miss the winter golf trip this year (as we did last year as well) but this will help a lot!]

    This looks really good. Mine is almost done, things keep popping up and keeping me back.
  5. Barry S

    Barry S
    Oakville, ON

    Great set up. I wish I had the ceiling height...
  6. FJL

    Kitchener, ON

  7. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    Nice!! I haven't gotten mine up and running yet. Too many side distractions :-(
  8. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    To Jason R - That is one awesome set-up :) Perfect for the winters you get in Ottawa !
  9. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    Mines almost done. When stores open up again I'll get the side curtain rods. I have a 42" touchscreen monitor on the side there. I went with a Flightscope X2 Elite. It can't do putting but I don't like putting on a Sim anyway. I golf left handed and some of my friends are right handed. With the Flightscope I don't have to move the machine.
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  10. I am chipping in my living room, practicing hitting my new 60 deg SM8 off of tight lies. I am expecting more chip ins next year. My dog and cat are my current hazards.
  11. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    For people with the Sims. What impact screen are you guys using? Where did you purchase it from? What sim software are you running? What’s the cost?

    I’ll be building an enclosure like this below. The only thing I need is an impact screen.

    So many things to consider when building the sim. I think once I get it set up I’ll have some tweaking to do.
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  12. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    Looks like you want to build a cage type. I went with the Sports Screen as I still want my garage to function like a garage.

    For the 1" EMT connectors you can get them from here:

    For the industrial curtains you can get these:

    I'm searching online right now for a cheaper solution for a bigger screen. Right now mine is 11 feet wide by 9 feet tall. I want one that is 16 feet wide and 10 feet tall. Par 2 Pro is probably the best site to buy a screen that I know of at the moment.

    The EMT just get from Home Depot.
  13. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    Jason, thanks for the reply.

    I have all the materials for the build except for the impact screen. Without being able to see these screens it makes it harder to pull the trigger.

    I’ve seen some screens that are sawdust mesh material. I’d prefer to have something that’s multi-layered to absorb the impact better. I’ll be hanging a couple moving blankets behind the sim to help with sound reducing and impact absorption.

    What software are you running?
  14. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    For the screen you can use either Par to Pro which is Canadian based or Carl's Place which is US based. They are pretty pricey but for the screen don't cheap out, taking the impact of a golf ball requires a dedicated impact screen. I've seen some guys using photo backdrop material made of Muslin. They say it works and they replace it every year.
    (I put the Muslin material just in case you want to temporarily try it out)

    For the software I'm using the Flightscope PC software as well as an E6 demo for now. I am leaning towards TGC2019 to purchase though. Has a lot more content than E6 and I don't like the subscription based way E6 is going.
  15. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    Appreciate the feedback. Just went on the par2pro website and looks like I’ll grab the SQ-W Custom Impact net. Looks amazing and very helpful that I won’t need a backdrop with this screen. Saves me some room in the garage with the frame. Another bonus is that they have grommets on all sides of the screen which will be easier to attach the net to the frame.

    As for software for the time being I’ll probably end up using Optishot 2. The lead time is just to far out right now on Mevo and SkyTrak. Winter will be over by the time it shows up lol.

  16. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    Shawn P. said:

    Appreciate the feedback. Just went on the par2pro website and looks like I’ll grab the SQ-W Custom Impact net. Looks amazing and very helpful that I won’t need a backdrop with this screen. Saves me some room in the garage with the frame. Another bonus is that they have grommets on all sides of the screen which will be easier to attach the net to the frame.

    As for software for the time being I’ll probably end up using Optishot 2. The lead time is just to far out right now on Mevo and SkyTrak. Winter will be over by the time it shows up lol.

    If you are using a sim for a video game then Optishot is good but if you want real data for improvement then I'd say go for a Mevo or Skytrak. I think there are some on Kijiji at the moment.
  17. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Yes, Par2Pro out of Edmonton - highly recommended. They have all sorts of components - my screen was a screen & netting combo ( I just built the frame out of 2x4s & screws. Have had it for 9 months now with fairly heavy use and I am satisfied with it. I do not have anything behind the screen (not recommended with the Par2Pro screens) and have no bounce-back and the sound is very reasonable. All-in, the SQ screen is one of the best on the market IMO. You can purchase raw (certain length), custom sized, with grommets and as I did with grommets and netting (the netting attached with heavy-duty Velcro).

    For software I have FSX2020 which is required for the GCQuad but if I were not tied to FSX I would likely be using E6 Connect. There are pros/cons for all software (all components really). If you have not found it, head on over to - everything you ever wanted to know from a great group if enthusiasts. Not quite TT but really close :-) !
  18. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    Loving all the input. Thanks guys!!

    Are you running the Mevo or Mevo+?

    Doing some more research on all them now. Wanna make sure I make the right purchase so I don’t wanna end up having to buy something else later.

  19. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    Shawn P. said:

    Loving all the input. Thanks guys!!

    Are you running the Mevo or Mevo+?

    Doing some more research on all them now. Wanna make sure I make the right purchase so I don’t wanna end up having to buy something else later.

    I have a Flightscope X2 Elite. Looks like Jason R has the big boy, Foresight GC Quad. Mine doesn't do putting, the X3 does but that one is $15K USD. There is a GC Quad on Kijiji at the moment for $20K. I wanted a Flightscope as you don't need to move it for left and right handed player but it needs a lot of space to use. The other options I could have gone for was a Foresight GC Hawk which is also very expensive, Trackman which is probably the best in the game, or a Uneekor which is reasonable at $8K CAD. The Hawk and the Uneekor mount to the ceiling and gives you ball and club head data.
  20. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    Thanks for the heads up. I think I’ve narrowed it down. Once I get everything built and in place I can see what will suit my room the best.

    What are you guys doing for distance from hitting mat to the impact screen?

    My only concern with the enclosure I have only being 10ft wide and 3.5ft deep (Doing the EMT frame as posted above) I feel that I may hit the right side bar that comes out (I’m a lefty). I’ve done a mock up and placed myself about 11ft back from the screen and that felt good.

    Sorry for all the questions. Appreciate the feedback. I’ve also signed up on the golf sim forums aswell. Awaiting responses there aswell.
  21. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    From my experiences with indoor use of both Flightscope and Trackman, one needs around 11 feet of ball flight for the units to perform their best measurements. They both also like another 10 to 13 feet of space behind the ball position. I would check you manuals to ensure you have the right amount of distance as it will undoubtedly impact the quality of your data.
  22. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    9 to 10 feet back seems to be the sweet spot for most between a great immersive experience (i.e. closer to the screen) vs being too close to the screen vs hitting your lofted wedges over the screen. Yes, I was really lucky to get a hold of the Quad - really impressed with it but there are many great options out there. If I were building right now, I would be seriously looking at the Eye XO. Quad with club data is pretty sweet though.
  23. JasonK

    Whitby, ON

    I'm about 8-9 feet from my screen and my sensor is 8-9 feet back from the mat which is the minimum required distance. How high are your ceilings? I have 10.5 feet in my garage and I don't hit it. I'm 6 feet tall. If you are 11 feet back there's no way you are hitting that side bar. It may take a while to get used to though. I also swung slow at first to make sure I was clearing everything, then gradually started to speed up.
  24. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    Great input everyone. It’s slowly coming together. So many factors when putting the simulator together. I’m sure there will be some tweaking once I get some stuff together.

    My ceilings are just over 9ft tall. I haven’t swung my driver yet as I’m waiting for my garage door guy to show up and relocate the motors and tracking to the sides which will open up everything completely. I can swing all my irons full tilt with no worry. Still gotta clear that mindset of indoor swinging.

    I have 20ft of length for the sim. 3.5ft depth for the frame plus 1ft clearance behind the frame for impact. That leaves me 15.5ft from front of frame to the back wall. I think once the materials arrive for the build I’ll have a better idea as I go of placement.
  25. LanceB


    Like the rest of you Canadians I am stuck at home this winter but I have had an Optishot setup in my basement for 8 years which has allowed me to keep my game sharp over the winter. I have definitely used it more this winter as hockey has been on hold for two months now. It is a good place to try out some new balls and see how they feel. I have 9ft ceilings and as some of you mention it is about the minimum height to be able to take full swings with a driver.
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  26. LanceB


    I've had my sim setup for about 8 years and this winter I've used more than ever since hockey has been shut down due to Covid. Mine cost about $3,000 including everything and is based off of the Optishot. It gives club path and speed information. I put on an aftermarket turf that is much thicker and softer than the original so it isn't like hitting off concrete. My basement has 9 ft ceiling and it is just high enough. If you have an upright swing it would not be high enough. It is a good place to try out new balls to see if they are too hard or too soft. Still better to actually play but snow on the ground limits that.
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  27. FJL

    Kitchener, ON

    Beautiful, me wanty.

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