Indoor Training: Stance and Ball Position

From Justin Parsons On February 10, 2022
In Part 2 of his five-part indoor golf training series, Titleist staff member Justin Parsons shows how you can use a mirror to improve the fundamentals of stance and ball position.

Stance, the
 way you stand to the ball at address is critical, because how you position, align and stack your anatomy greatly effects how your body can move – and how you're physically able (and not able) to swing the club.... />
Ball position - how far away from the ball you stand and where you position the ball relative to your stance and center of gravity – is just as important. Fat and thin shots can result from a ball position that is either too far forward or too far back in your stance. Ball position can effect the initial direction of your shots and it can also influence how your shots curve. As Justin shows, in order to start the ball on target, the ball must be positioned correctly, so that the collision between club and ball occurs when the club is square to your target and is reaching the low point in the swing arc (for an iron shot). This combination results in the ball-first, turf-second impact that we're all looking for and shots that start on-line and fly true.
In Part 2 of his five-part indoor golf training series, Titleist staff member Justin Parsons shows how you can use a mirror to improve the fundamentals of stance and ... ball position.

Stance, the
 way you stand to the ball at address is critical, because how you position, align and stack your anatomy greatly effects how your body can move – and how you're physically able (and not able) to swing the club.

Ball position - how far away from the ball you stand and where you position the ball relative to your stance and center of gravity – is just as important. Fat and thin shots can result from a ball position that is either too far forward or too far back in your stance. Ball position can effect the initial direction of your shots and it can also influence how your shots curve. As Justin shows, in order to start the ball on target, the ball must be positioned correctly, so that the collision between club and ball occurs when the club is square to your target and is reaching the low point in the swing arc (for an iron shot). This combination results in the ball-first, turf-second impact that we're all looking for and shots that start on-line and fly true.
163 Videos
  1. Instructor
  2. Brad Faxon
  3. Dr. Mo Pickens
  4. Me and My Golf
  5. Peter Finch
  6. Cameron McCormick
  7. James Sieckmann
  8. Mark Blackburn
  9. Michael Breed
  10. Trillium Rose
  11. Jonathan Yarwood
  12. Dave Phillips
  13. Brandon Stooksbury
  14. Justin Parsons
  15. Layne Savoie
  16. Dr. Rob Neal
  17. Dr. Greg Rose
  18. Skip Guss
  19. Jason Baile
  20. John Kostis
  21. Jennifer Hudson
  22. Ryan Hager
  23. Corey Lundberg
  24. Tom Patri
  1. Club
  2. Driver
  3. Fairway
  4. Hybrid
  5. Utility Iron
  6. Iron
  7. Wedge
  8. Putter
  1. Drill
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Shot Shaping
  4. Anti-hook
  5. Anti-slice
  6. Alignment
  7. Tight Lie
  8. Long Rough
  9. Bunker Play
  10. Consistency
  11. Distance Control
  12. Trajectory

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